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CNC milling


We take into account the features and dimensions of every project to choose the processing method that gets the most for our customers

What is CNC milling

A computerized milling machine that uses Z-axis tool rotation to process workpieces located on the X-Y axis plane, CNC milling’s simultaneous triple-axis machining ability allows it to produce more complex shapes than traditional milling machines, with the more advanced CNC machines capable of 4-axis and 5-axis operations. 4-axis CNC machines add an additional A or B axis rotation to the original XYZ triple-axis with the A axis rotating around the X and the B axis around the Y, in a function closely resembling the lathe principle. By utilizing an additional A or B axis to further rotate the workpiece, CNC can achieve a range of processing superior to that of triple-axis machining.

The addition of the A, B, or C axes to the original triple XYZ axis is what defines the 5-axis machine tool and enables it to perform more advanced molding and shaping procedures than its predecessors. 5-axis machine tools can be divided into five types: double-swivel head; droop- swivel head; double-swivel table; droop table; and single-swing, single-rotation. Basically, two additional rotary axes are added to the milling head or the worktable - or one is added to the milling head and the other to the worktable - giving it the appearance of its namesake.

5-axis machines can be divided into two categories: true 5-axis and false 5-axis. The former is a 5-axis machine capable of simultaneous processing, and the latter is a 4.5 axis machine only capable of performing simultaneous triple-axis motions, leaving its remaining two axes free to adjust positioning.


We know that multi-axis machines provide better results and superior functions but at a higher premium, and that ultimately, it is the needs of the workpiece itself that determine which machine to use. When choosing the best machine tools for our customers, HUBTICLE makes value-minded decisions its priority.

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